Snow, speed and silence

3 12 2009
Lapland boasts over 8,000 km of snow mobile trails.  

The Finnish winter offers plenty for would-be adventurers.

If you thought skis and skates were the only sporting equipment you need for winter in Finland, then think again. How about a snowmobile, a husky team or even a reindeer or two? Welcome to the world of the winter safari.

Lapland and Northern Finland are becoming increasingly popular destinations for tourists during the winter season, supplied with an ever more exotic selection of winter adventure activities by tour operators. Lapland-based Eräsetti Wild North is one such company that is eagerly tapping into this new market. And, as saleswoman Niina Oikarainen confirms, there is no such thing as a “typical” customer.

“We find that winter activities attract all sorts of people. We get a lot of business groups, families, as well as couples, many of whom are honeymooners!” Oikarainen says. “Most of our foreign customers come from mainland Europe – Spain, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Poland and Italy. But we also have visitors from as far away as Japan and China.”

Sactown Snowboarders kickoff party a success

17 11 2009

Joel giving his Custom a massage. Jesse Hidalgo PhotoResidence from all around the region gathered to celebrate the upcoming start of what hopes to be a wonderful snowboard season. Members of the Sactown Snowboarders meet up group came together in Orangevale, CA on a cold November night. Hosting and organizing the event, Tamara Broadway was able to bring the group together to share food, drinks, and stories. “Our annual wax and tune season kicker event went off fabulously. Great food, amazing people, and all sharing a huge passion for skiing and snowboarding,” said Tamara, who has been a part of the Sactown Snowboarders since 2007. “Does it really get any better than that?” At the center of the festivities was a room dedicated to snowboard waxing and other general tuning equipment, available to anyone willing to take on the task of getting their snowboard perfect for the winter season. “People were very excited to learn how to wax and tune their own equipment,” Tamara said, “and those that were teaching were excited to share their own techniques.” When entering the room, the participants were greeted with the sweet smell of citrus cleaner, used to clean the bottom of a snowboard during the tuning process. The room held plenty of people with three stations setup for tuning up to six snowboards at a time. As the wax dripped off the metal of the waxing irons, the room filled with conversation and camaraderie.

Wakeboarding action from the Gravity Games

27 10 2009

Jeff Wetherall of New Zealand in action during the mens wakeboarding semi-final at the Gravity Games held at McCallum Park in Perth, Australia.

Paul Kane / Getty Images

Starting at the top

12 10 2009

They’re young, talented, and, in some cases, they’re loaded. New Zealand’s crop of elite teenage sportspeople is growing by the month. With the backing of big-name sponsors, the guidance of experienced coaches, and the attention of foreign media, they’re getting more opportunities than ever before.


Jossi Wells competes in the ski competition and places 4th at the World Superpipe Championships at Park City Mountain Resort in Park City, Utah. Photo / TRANZ

Many have cut short their schooling, such is their dedication to becoming professional sportspeople. They’re committed to intensive training, and spend much of the year at competitions and tournaments in far-flung destinations.

Some of these promising young athletes are competing in sports which don’t often attract much attention, such as skiing and squash.

But when they win big, they’re thrust into the limelight.

What isn’t often discussed is the cash, the attention, the sacrifice and the isolation. We’re quick to praise aspiring Olympians. But are we doing our emerging champs a disservice by expecting them to be commercially successful before they are given a chance to prove themselves?

‘I was waiting for a signal’ – skydiver forgets to pull cord

28 09 2009

As James Boole hovered in a helicopter 2,000m above the frozen steppes of eastern Russia, he had little idea that he was about to join the small but incredibly fortunate band of skydivers who have survived a descent without their parachute opening.

The veteran skydiver from Staffordshire had already made more than 2,500 jumps. He was calm and fully prepared for the astonishing thrill that comes with hurtling towards the ground, safe in the knowledge that his parachute would help him land safely.

Except this time there was one small problem. While he was concentrating on filming, his dive partner was supposed to be keeping a close eye on the rapidly approaching ground. But as the crucial moment approached the signal from his friend to draw his parachute failed to get through and Mr Boole slammed into the snow covered rocks at 100mph.

Remarkably, despite a broken back, a punctured lung and several broken ribs, the 31-year-old survived his ordeal.

15 Sep, 2009 – Ski Club Launch Antarctic Challenge for Young People

16 09 2009

The Ski Club of Great Britain are offering two young people between the age of 18 and 28 the chance to be part of a trip of a lifetime on an Antarctic expedition with Polar adventurer and Ski Club President Robert Swan – the first man to walk to both the north and south poles.

The 2010 Inspire Antarctic Expedition, taking place in March 2010 will involve an international team taking a journey through the Antarctic Peninsula – one of the most remote, inhospitable environments on earth. Harsh and inaccessible, covered by over 5 million square miles of solid ice, it is the world’s highest, driest, coldest and windswept continent.

To be in with a chance of being part of the March 2010 Inspire Antarctic Expedition, candidates have to complete a proposal* outlining their ambitions to be part of the expedition as well as raising £10,000 to fund their place on the expedition. To help the chosen candidates on their fundraising mission, the Ski Club’s green ‘Respect the Mountain’ campaign will give both winners £1,000. The successful candidates will also be asked to share their experiences with the Ski Club and put forward any ideas to shape the Respect the Mountain campaign on their return.

Orbit Fashions new blog

9 09 2009

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