15 Sep, 2009 – Ski Club Launch Antarctic Challenge for Young People

16 09 2009

The Ski Club of Great Britain are offering two young people between the age of 18 and 28 the chance to be part of a trip of a lifetime on an Antarctic expedition with Polar adventurer and Ski Club President Robert Swan – the first man to walk to both the north and south poles.

The 2010 Inspire Antarctic Expedition, taking place in March 2010 will involve an international team taking a journey through the Antarctic Peninsula – one of the most remote, inhospitable environments on earth. Harsh and inaccessible, covered by over 5 million square miles of solid ice, it is the world’s highest, driest, coldest and windswept continent.

To be in with a chance of being part of the March 2010 Inspire Antarctic Expedition, candidates have to complete a proposal* outlining their ambitions to be part of the expedition as well as raising £10,000 to fund their place on the expedition. To help the chosen candidates on their fundraising mission, the Ski Club’s green ‘Respect the Mountain’ campaign will give both winners £1,000. The successful candidates will also be asked to share their experiences with the Ski Club and put forward any ideas to shape the Respect the Mountain campaign on their return.

